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Monday, July 23, 2007


We really had a wonderful weekend. Saturday morning we went to The Children's Museum. They gave out Cafe Du Monde Beignets and everyone knows Tatum LOVES donuts! Then we had lunch in the French Quarter and went to the Aquarium. The Aquarium was fun. They have changed it around and they have some new areas. Then we had dinner at Aunt Grace's house to celebrate Wayne's Birthday. It was so nice to be with everyone. Dinner was delicious, but most of all we love hanging out with the family. Tatum really liked the water cooler! Sunday we just relaxed at home and then had dinner at my Mom and Dad's house.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Wayne's Birthday!


The Mitts Family took us to dinner tonight to celebrate Wayne's Birthday. We ate at Janie Brown's. (it used to be Billy Farrell's) It was so good! Tatum got to hold baby Patrick. She LOVED it! Patrick was the perfect baby. He slept the entire time!!! We had such a great night!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Wayne's New Job

Tatum is such a little HAM!

Wayne started his job at Diversified Foods today. He is the Lot Tracking Manager. We are all so excited for him! Reagan and Tatum were so happy to see him when he came home that they started screaming! We are just so happy! This was the answer to our prayers and it couldn't have come at a better time.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Our Crazy Road Trip

It all started because we had to go back to Georgia to get the rest of our things. So Wayne, cousin Andrea, the girls and I took the Bronco and trailer and left on Monday. On our way I had the bright idea to go to an antique store in Bristol, Tenn/Virginia. Then Andy called to tell Wayne that he had a job for him at Diversified Foods and that he needed to be at an interview on Thursday. We were thrilled! I thought it would still be no big deal to go to Bristol and head to Cumming on Tuesday and then drive back to Slidell on Wednesday. (We should have turned around, I don't know what we were thinking because my plans never work out the way I plan them!!!) When we got to Bristol we had a head light that went out. But it wasn't as easy as changing the bulb. The bulb had burned all of the plastic in the entire rectangular piece. So we found an auto store with the part but we went to two mechanic shops and they couldn't figure out how to get the old one off and put the new one in. So we went to a Ford dealership where they said they could fix it but it would require taking the entire front end off and they would need at least two hours. So we had to stay in Bristol overnight so they could fix it first thing in the morning. ( I was not about to take the chance of driving through the mountains at night in the rain with one head light!!!) We made the best of it and the kids love staying in hotels! So we had it fixed first thing Wednesday morning and finally got back on the road to Georgia at 11am. When we got to Cumming we threw what we could of our stuff in the trailer and hit the road for Slidell at 8pm. We arrived home at 6am on Thursday! So we went on a 68 hour trip and spent over 42 hours of it driving!!! By the way.... Wayne made it to the interview on time and got the job! I got a beautiful piece of furniture and we have a wonderful $300+ head light on the Bronco!!!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Laird's Know How to Party!

This is what my crew looks like hanging out at The Weaver's house!

Dinner with the Milligan's

We have had dinner out with the Milligan's at least once a week since we have been back. We can usually be found in a Mexican restaurant. It has really been nice. Tatum LOVES Christopher! Reagan and Kylie are like two little old ladies!

Family Party

We went to a birthday party for Wayne's cousin Jaclyn. It had been way too long since we had been with the Geraci's, the Battistella's, and the Baudin's.

Cheerleading Camp

Reagan and Kylie did Cheerleading Camp. They had a blast together!

Swimming at the Weaver's

Most of our time back in Slidell has been spent hanging out at Chris and Bridget's house. I have had the best time sitting on their deck with Bridget, while Chris cooks on the grill, and watching Wayne in the pool with the kids. Drew and Reagan have so much fun playing together. Charley is such a happy baby. Tatum is always talking to her and trying to kiss her.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Donovan's Wedding

Donavan got married on June 9th. It was an entire weekend of celebrating! The weekend started off with the rehearsal dinner. We had a lot of food and a lot to drink at Semolina's. It was so good to be back with everyone again. Then Saturday morning we were all up getting ready. Bridget, Kristie and I got our hair done and we met up with Pat, Wayne and Donavan. We didn't worry so much that we were running late because we had the groom with us! The wedding was beautiful at Vintage Court. Then Donavan had a bus ready to take the wedding party to the French Quarter. Going over the Causeway in a rain storm with the bus sliding all over was a bit scary, but Randy kept us all entertained!!! We spent the night in the Quarter and had an awesome time hanging out and cutting up with everyone. Sunday, Wayne and I spent the day with Donavan and Melissa and walked around the French Quarter like tourists. We had so much fun!