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Monday, November 26, 2007


Yesterday we went to the Circus with Kristie and Kylie. It was such a yucky rainy day, but we had a great time. We got the VIP treatment from "Scooter the Clown," aka Kristie's Uncle George. The girls got to meet all the other clowns and he sat next to them during the show. Reagan and Kylie even rode on an elephant. It was the perfect ending to a great holiday weekend!


We had a really wonderful Thanksgiving. Reagan and Tatum were so excited to meet their new baby cousin Avery.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Play Time

Reagan, Lauren, Drew, Tatum and Katherine
Reagan & Lauren "thumb suckers"

Tatum at the Park

Reagan and Drew putting a Puzzle together

Sleeping Like Angels!
We had such a great time being over the Thanksgiving Holidays. Drew slept over and we had him hanging out with us during the week while Bridget went to work. The kids had so much fun. We went to the park and met Tracy, Katherine and Lauren. All of the kids had so much fun together. When Bridget picked Drew up that afternoon he fell asleep in the car at around 4 pm and he didn't wake up until morning!!!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Soccer is Over!!!

Reagan is so upset that the soccer season is over. Wayne and I are thrilled that we don't have to be at 8am games on Saturdays anymore!!! All the kids really got along great. Today we have the soccer party and they get awards!

Reagan Update

The biopsies came back fine. Reagan goes back to the doctor on Tuesday to get the stitches out. Thanks for all the prayers. We have not decided if we will have the mole removed. It seems like such a crazy surgery for her to have on something that might not ever bother her again.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Reagan's Doctor Visit

Reagan was so brave!
This is "BEFORE" and you can see the mole they cut off her arm.

This is the "AFTER" picture showing her stitches
Yesterday we went to the Dermatologist about the problem with Reagan's birthmark/mole on her neck. About a week ago we noticed a bump in the center of it. Of course the doctor did not like the change in her "congenital nevi". So she took a biopsy of the center of it and then Reagan got stitches. Then the doctor also removed a mole on Reagan's arm. Reagan watched her cut it off! Reagan was so good about the whole thing, she didn't even cry. The doctor and the nurse told her about how the 12 and 13 year old boys cry and go nuts, so that made Reagan's day! We hope to get the results back soon.....

Monday, November 5, 2007


Reagan was a Witch

Drew is so Cute!

We had a great Halloween. I know that the kids had a great time too! We had a big group and we went to Eden Isles. It was so much fun!

Halloween Party at School

Crazy Class Picture
Reagan's turn at the relay race

PawPaw and Mr. Bones

Reagan signed PawPaw up to bring "Mr. Bones" to school to show her class. All the kids kept asking, Where's the butt? Where's the blood and brain? Oh, it was lots of fun! Then her class played games and had a Halloween Party.