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Friday, December 28, 2007

Holiday Fun!

Tracy and I brought the kids over to Jenny's House so that her Mom could see them all. Mrs. Karen had the dinning room set up for all the kids. They all had hot chocolate with whip cream and homemade beignets. Poor Drew was the only boy as usual...but he is always such a good sport! Anna was with us too. I like watching Jenny and Elaine interact with all the kids. The kids played and picked oranges off the trees and fed the fish in the pond. Mrs. Karen will be a wonderful Grandmother one day! Then we took all the kids to Tracy's and played for the rest of the day. I know they had fun because mine fell asleep on the way home!!! The best part of the day is watching all the kids playing and laughing together. (We missed having Natalie and Jack, Bridget and Charley, and all the Straughan's too!)

Thursday, December 27, 2007


I didn't think the girls would ever go to bed on Christmas Eve! They were just so excited about Santa coming. Then we all woke up at about 4 am because Tatum had the croup cough! Just a wonderful beginning to the day. So we loaded her up with medicine and gave her breathing treatments ever few hours. She had a great day even though she stayed in her pj's all day. Reagan loves her 4 wheeler and Tatum loves her jeep that MawMaw and PawPaw got for them. They love to ram each other like bumper cars! We had a wonderful Christmas. But, I am on to Wayne....I think he really got the Wii for himself!!!!

Christmas Time!

We have had such a great Christmas. Saturday Night we went to Wayne's Family Christmas Party. The kids don't get to see each other often so when they get together they have so much fun. It is always fun with all of Wayne's Family together!

Friday, December 14, 2007

All I Want For Christmas...

Reagan was having a problem with her loose tooth. Her gums were swollen and infected, so we went to visit DDS. Mickey Dragon yesterday. He said the best thing to do was to pull both of them because her big teeth were right there and had no where to go because her baby teeth were blocking them. So he pulled them! Reagan was so good! Her teeth were so loose that they came right out...they didn't even have roots holding them in! So last night the tooth fairy came to visit us!