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Sunday, October 28, 2007

Goodbye Jamie

We went to dinner with Jamie Friday night. I can't wait to get together with all the girls again at Christmas! Good Luck Straughan's!

Pictures from Anna's Party

Happy Birthday Anna
Sack Race

Anna's Party was awesome! I have never been to a party where they kept the kids so busy. There was so much to do and it was so much fun! I know the kids loved it! It was really the greatest place! My kids were in bed by 7 pm!

Pictures from Charley's Party

Happy Birthday CHARLEY!
Anna & Reagan


Reagan and Lauren

Tatum had the best time at the PartyLast weekend was crazy. We never stopped running around. Saturday morning we had an 8am soccer game...those are my favorite because that is exactly what I want to do on a Saturday Morning!!! Then we went to Charley's 1st Birthday Party. I love watching all the kids play together. Then it was a really big night for Reagan. She went to her 1st slumber party! Lauren wanted Reagan to sleep over so Tracy took Reagan home with her after Charley's Party. Then Sunday we had Anna's 3rd Birthday Party. The kids had a great time and so did Wayne and I.

Washington Parish Fair

The Petting Zoo

Our Little Cowgirl

Reagan loved the Fun House

Last weekend was very busy for us. We went to the Washington Parish Fair on Friday. I check Reagan out of school early and we went to Franklinton with my parents. It was even better than I remembered. The kids loved all of the livestock and the petting zoo! We had the best time watching the kids have so much fun.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Another Fun Day at the Zoo

Tatum LICKING Reagan.
She is so much FUN!!!

We had been stuck in the house for so long from being sick that we had to get out. So we went to the zoo. We had a great day and the weather was perfect. All of the animals were out so it was even better then usual. Just being out made us all feel better!

Super Sick

Reagan and Tatum were both sick. Tatum had Strep Throat and Bronchitis. Reagan had a Sinus Infection, Ear Infection, and a Bladder Infection...then they both had diarrhea from the antibiotics and Tatum got a chemical burn on her bottom! We stayed home for 5 days and we only left the house to go the doctor. It was one of those weeks that we went to the doctor several times! Thank Goodness everyone is better now!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Weekend RV Trip

Tatum having fun with Paw-Paw

Nap Time!

Tatum still can't reach the peddles!

Paw-Paw teaching Reagan to ride her bike!

We had a nice RV trip this weekend with Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw. We left after Reagan got out of school on Thursday. We had a long weekend relaxing and playing at Jellystone. Reagan and Tatum have such a great time doing all the activities. We even went trick-or-treating! I can't wait to go back when the weather gets cool.