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Friday, October 31, 2008

Field Trip

Petting the farm animals!
Playing in the Cotton Field.

Learning about pumpkins.
Hannah & Reagan having fun together! (They are inseparable!)
On Wednesday I went on Reagan's Field Trip. We went to a Pumpkin Farm in Hammond. The kids rode the bus and the parents drove there. I rode with my friend Tara (Hannah's mom). They had a pumpkin patch, cotton fields, corn maze, and fields of hay that the kids jumped on. They had fun playing in the country... but, they are all city kids!!! All of the pictures I have of Reagan have Hannah in them too. We are so glad that Reagan has made such a good friend. The trip was really fun. And we got to take home pumpkins!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Fair Weekend

Reagan getting ready to go on stage.
They really had fun with the silly string and confetti eggs!
Reagan on stage with her class.

The girls had fun with Hannah playing dress up and taking pictures in the picture booth.
Tatum had so much fun!

Last weekend was Reagan's school fair. So the entire week I had so many little things to do. Wayne helped set up the fair when he got home from work at night. They always provide lots of pizza and beer! So 200 men showed up to help set up! I worked all day Friday setting it up. Tatum played on the play ground with the preK classes while I worked. The fair does not have rides. It has game booths and each class is assigned a booth. Confetti eggs and silly string are a big deal and this year they had 16,000 dozen confetti eggs that we had to put onto shelves in the booth! I had a great time getting to know all the other moms that were working. The fair started Friday at 5pm until 11pm. And then it started up again on Saturday at noon! Wayne worked the men's club Road Kill booth (they don't really sell road kill it is just one of the food booths). Reagan performed on the stage with the Spirit Squad that afternoon. She looked so cute with her cheer leading uniform and pom poms! And she loved walking around the fair for the rest of the night in that outfit! I worked her class booth until the fair closed and we were all exhausted! Then Sunday after mass, the fair started again at noon. Reagan's class sang on stage. I wanted to cry while I watched her on stage because she is just so happy and it shows! After we ate some really great fried crab balls from Deanie's, we decided we were tired of the fair and we went to have dinner in Slidell with MawMaw & PawPaw. That evening I got a call that we won a gift basket in the raffle, so that was really cool. School was closed on Monday to clean up from the fair. Wayne said only about 30 guys showed up to take everything down but they got it all done! We had a great 3 day weekend!

Monday, October 13, 2008

LSU Cheer Leading Camp

I don't know who was more excited about LSU Cheer Leading Camp, Wayne or Reagan!!! HaHaHa... Reagan's on the Spirit Squad (the little girls cheer leading team) at school. Their coach's daughter is an LSU cheerleader, so they were invited to go to cheer camp last weekend. It was in the indoor football facility, so Wayne volunteered to take her to Baton Rouge. He said he was willing to sacrifice watching the Saints Game, so Reagan could go! He is such a trooper to make such a sacrifice! Reagan had a great time, so did Wayne! He took tons of pictures of ALL the cheer leaders and the indoor facility, in case you ever want to see them! I will spare you, and only show the ones with Reagan in them!!!!

Lauren's Birthday Party

Happy Birthday Lauren!
Tatum Loved Bowling and hanging out with all the kids at the party!

Lauren & Reagan! Notice all the missing teeth!

Drew & Reagan...he's missing teeth too!

Anna...she always makes me laugh!

Katherine is so grown up!

Yes, the kids are trying to play video poker at the Bar!!!

Lauren's Birthday Party was 2 weeks ago. It was so nice to watch all the kids hanging out together! They are so fun to watch and they all have so much fun together! I guess we should try and do it more often! It was nice for me too, I got to hang out with Tracy, Natalie and Bridget!

City Park

Two weekends ago, Reagan's school had Family Night at City Park. It was so much fun! The amusement park was only open to her school and they had a huge turn out! The weather was perfect and it was breezy. We took the train ride through the park, with a police escort...that was interesting! Andrea came with us to ride all the rides with the girls. I get sick on some of them! Tatum loves to spin around on the rides! Reagan and her friend Hannah had the best time being together. All the Dad's were freaking out because they were missing the LSU game! Don't worry, Andy and Chris stayed in constant contact with Wayne, to tell him what he was missing!
They had a Warren Easton/McDonough High School football game playing at Tad Gormley... so you can imagine why we needed the police around! Later on the news we found out that they had to stop the game because they thought someone had a gun!!! Gotta Love New Orleans!