Reagan's 2nd grade play is this week. We had dress rehearsal yesterday. One performance this afternoon, another tonight and another in the morning! It is so busy, but so cute! You can just see how happy she is to be a Lady Bug!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Tatum's 1st Field Trip
Tatum getting ready to get on the bus! She was so excited.

Happy Girls
Emily, Sarah & Tatum
Tatum and Kate
This is the best group picture we could get!
Tatum in action with her friends

We had a wonderful day yesterday on Tatum's 1st Field Trip. She got to ride on the school bus with all her friends. She was so excited about that! The Moms luckily had to follow the bus. We went to the Fire Station. The kids had a great time. Tatum got to hold the big fire hose and spray water. She LOVED it! Then after the big trip we all went to the playground across the street from school to celebrate a classmates birthday. It was lots of fun. Tatum had a great day with all her friends.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Tatum's Big Day
Tatum ready for her 1st day of school
Posing with her school know the important stuff like paper towels, wipes and tissues!
Today is Tatum's 1st day of school! She was very excited. I was holding back tears! She is officially in PreK. My baby is a big girl. I can't wait to hear all about it when I pick her up at noon! And I can only imagine the wonderful stories she is telling the teachers!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Reagan Roo Second Grader!
Reagan started 2nd Grade today! She was excited this morning, but last night she was really nervous. She was so nervous that she had diarrhea and threw up! Yes, she gets that from me!
I can't wait to pick her up and find out how her day went. She met her teacher yesterday. She was very nice. Reagan was a little disappointed because her and her friend Hannah aren't in the same class this year. But when we were paying for yearbooks the girl said I loved 2nd grade and I had the best teacher. She had the same teacher Reagan had. Reagan was thrilled to hear that!
I can't believe she is in 2nd grade. I can remember sitting at my desk in second grade.... always waiting to get out of there and go home!!!! hahahahaha! I was not big into school, but thank goodness Reagan is! Don't worry, I am sure I will have my hands full with Tatum. She seems to have my wonderful personality... so, I am sure she will give me hell!
It was so nice to walk into the school yesterday and see so many friends and familiar faces. Last year we didn't know anyone and this year I have been asked to head the playground committee! I think this will be another wonderful year!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Reagan's 8 years old!
Happy Birthday Reagan!
Tatum Loved playing cashier and being in charge of the money!
Birthday Girl
Tatum at the top!
Happy Girl! We think she is finally coming out of the terrible two's!!!
For Reagan's Birthday we went to the Mississippi Gulf Coast for the weekend. We surprised the birthday girl with a Mystery Trip. We gave her a paper with clues for her to try and figure out along the way. We went to Lynn Meadows and the girls had so much fun. We ate at Reagan's favorite places. Beef O'Brady's and Zaxby's (they remind her of Georgia!). Reagan was very surprised and very happy! We also went to all the little beach shops on the coast. We stayed at a hotel (the girls LOVE to do that!) On Sunday, we went to Poppa's house in Hattiesburg (Wayne's Dad) for his birthday bar-b-que. It was a very fun weekend.
We are waiting to have Reagan's Birthday Party. That way she can invite all her friends from last years class and her new class. I think we are doing the big skating party this year!
We are waiting to have Reagan's Birthday Party. That way she can invite all her friends from last years class and her new class. I think we are doing the big skating party this year!
Our Summer is over...We are getting back into school mode. Check-in-day is Monday and Tuesday will be Reagan's first day of second grade! Tatum starts PreK after Labor Day!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Sleepy Head
Tatum can only go so long until she needs a nap! She is always such a busy girl that when it is nap time or bed time she never complains!!! Last night we had Hannah (Reagan's BFF) sleep over so the girls were very busy running around the house. This morning they played and ran around screaming like crazy girls do. I had to go to PT this afternoon, so Hannah's Mom told me to drop all of the girls off while I went to my appointment. Tatum of course was thrilled to be able to keep playing with the Big Girls!...and to be able to go to Hannah's house...she was the happiest little girl! At Hannah's house they never stop. Those Beckmann kids have tons of energy and a dog to keep them busy! When we finally came home this afternoon, Tatum disappeared. I knew she would be sleeping, I just didn't know where. And then I found her.... in the front room/dinning room taking a nap! I wish I could fall asleep like that!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Family Fun
Everyone with Poppa
The kids with Granny
Ryan and Reagan
Ryan, Noah and Tatum
Uncle Scott, Noah and Ryan came to visit us this week. All we did was relax and hang out at home. We didn't go was just very relaxing. Scott and Wayne took the kids to the pool every morning. We bar-b-qued and ate seafood. At night everyone was glued to the LSU game. Reagan and Tatum had so much fun with their cousins. The kids were shy for about the first 5 minutes...after that they couldn't get enough of each other!!! The four of them together was easier then my two on any given day. They never stopped playing and laughing! On Wednesday, Granny and Mups made meatballs and red gravy all day. Then we had all of the family over for dinner. It was nice having everyone together, it has been a while. It felt like a holiday. It was a wonderful week. I really do hope we can get together more often. The week really came and went too fast!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend
Sharing in Jackson Square
Tatum after she had her chocolate!!!
Playing in Jackson Square
My Crew
Reagan with Felecia our tour guide at Houmas House
Reagan Roo

Nottoway Plantation

Reagan Roo
Nottoway Plantation
What an awesome 4 day weekend we have had!
On Friday we got our new kitchen counters installed! They are so much better than the beautiful avocado green we had! We got white quartz and I love how clean it looks! (So our kitchen only has a few minor things left to do and then it will finally be finished...then it will be time to start on the foyer and dining room..AHHHHH! Our house renovations seem to never end!)
Saturday we started our adventures of being a Louisiana Tourist. (For those of you that don't know, that is what we have decided to do all summer. We aren't taking a big vacation, we are just going to take long weekend road trips and be tourist in Louisiana.) We drove down River Road which is one of our favorite things to do! We went to White Castle and toured Nottoway Plantation. The house itself is just amazing but the tour sucked! I have gone on it number of times in the past and they used to show so much more of the house. Now they charge a lot more and you only get to see a few rooms...very disappointing! It was really nice just being there, it is so beautiful. Then we went to Houmas House. Our tour guide was the best. She was so animated and into the telling the know that I just love that! She made it so much fun. Tatum had such a great time that she has even begged me to please get her an antebellum dress!!! She cried when we were leaving because she wanted to stay! Reagan wants us to go on a haunted tour of the Myrtles, so I think we will go do that on our next road trip! Then we had dinner at The Cabin Restaurant. They had a wedding going on in the back with a band playing so it was fun. The food was just as awesome as I remembered it!
Saturday we started our adventures of being a Louisiana Tourist. (For those of you that don't know, that is what we have decided to do all summer. We aren't taking a big vacation, we are just going to take long weekend road trips and be tourist in Louisiana.) We drove down River Road which is one of our favorite things to do! We went to White Castle and toured Nottoway Plantation. The house itself is just amazing but the tour sucked! I have gone on it number of times in the past and they used to show so much more of the house. Now they charge a lot more and you only get to see a few rooms...very disappointing! It was really nice just being there, it is so beautiful. Then we went to Houmas House. Our tour guide was the best. She was so animated and into the telling the know that I just love that! She made it so much fun. Tatum had such a great time that she has even begged me to please get her an antebellum dress!!! She cried when we were leaving because she wanted to stay! Reagan wants us to go on a haunted tour of the Myrtles, so I think we will go do that on our next road trip! Then we had dinner at The Cabin Restaurant. They had a wedding going on in the back with a band playing so it was fun. The food was just as awesome as I remembered it!
Sunday we wanted to go check out other plantations on River Road, but is was raining so we turned around and went to the French Quarter instead. It was a little cloudy, but it never did rain on us. We stumbled upon a little hole in the wall antique store, where we bought chairs for the kitchen. We found our new favorite place to eat in the Quarter, The Chartres House Cafe. The girls loved watching the guys do their show by the steps in front of Jackson Square. I can't believe those guys still do that, they are good but they have been doing those head spins and jumps for a long time now! We didn't want our day to end, so we went to see Night at the Museum Battle of the Smithsonian. We were all so excited to see it and it was really good. Tatum passed out as soon as it started and then cried the entire way home because she missed it!
Today we've been taking it easy. It has been raining on and off all day. I had PT and Wayne had a few things to do. Tomorrow is Reagan's last day of school. They have to go on Wednesday, but it is just a two hour mass.
Tomorrow is Reagan's first swim meet....we are all very excited!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
The 1st Grade Play
Hannah and Reagan
Tatum the poser!
Mups and Granny came to see the play!
Reagan had her BIG Night Tonight...The 1st Grade Play! It was the Disney Play and Reagan was a MERMAID! It was so cute! I actually went, and it was so good to get out and see some of my friends again. Tatum and I are going to watch it again in the morning when they perform for the younger grades at school. It won't be so crowded!
Notice Tatum posing on the stage! She had her chance tonight to talk to Mr. Dave (from the Imagination Movers. He is Vivien's Dad and all the kids harass the poor man!) Tatum couldn't wait to go talk to him and then she got her chance and chickened out and acted SHY!
I am so sad...I can' believe Reagan only has 12 days left of school! She absolutely adores her teacher...we all love her! She has been such a good friend and a WONDERFUL teacher! I can't believe my Reagan Roo will be going into 2nd grade! Tatum will be in PreK next year....It makes me want to cry!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
The Gibbs Crawfish Boil
The Gibbs had a party for Michelle graduating. Jenny and Tom and Bonnie and Paul came in town so we all got to hang out! It was nice to get out. It is so much fun to see all the kids playing together! I could watch the kids for hours, they are very entertaining! Drew is the Ladies Man. Anna is very into him and they get along very well! Tatum and Charley crack me up and Lord only knows what the heck they are always laughing about!!! Reagan and Lauren are the best of friends and Katherine watches over all of them like a little Momma! Melissa and Glenn came with Glenn's daughter Taylor and her and Reagan hung out like they've know each other forever! I miss Jenny's laugh and it was great to be with her even for just a few hours! The shrimp and crawfish were awesome. (The Gibbs gave us all a bunch to take home!) It was nice to sit back and be with everyone. (We were missing Jamie and Elaine, so it was not complete. Hopefully we will ALL get together at Christmas time this year!)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Reagan ready with the light to get WuWu's attention on the float!
Tatum and Daddy
Dominique and Reagan
These are the only pictures that I have from Mardi Gras this year. I did not go to any parades and therefore pictures were not taken! These are from the Selene Parade. It was freezing that night and they waited to see my sister Lori on her float. They all had a good time even though it was so cold and windy. My cousins Amanda, Ryan and Loretta had been in town the week before Mardi Gras and the girls and Wayne went with them to Metairie parades. But they had to get back to New York before all the good parades on Mardi Gras weekend. I don't have any pictures of them while they were in town and I hardly got to see them because I was stuck in bed! I love Mardi Gras music so I am really sad it is already over this year! I am glad to announce that neither of my girls were hit or injured with throws this they like parades now!
Tatum having fun!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Reagan is a Character!
Reagan as Junie B. Jones
Reagan had to dress up as her favorite book character today for school. So of course she picked JUNIE B. JONES! She was so excited. Yesterday, she had to dress up in her Spirit Squad cheerleading outfit because there was a pep rally at school and a basketball game. She was dissapointed because they only got to do one cheer and "those big cheerleader girls got to do a bunch!"(....Yeah those girls would be the real cheerleaders!!!) I can't believe that my Reagan Roo is so grown up!
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