This is "BEFORE" and you can see the mole they cut off her arm.

This is the "AFTER" picture showing her stitches

Yesterday we went to the Dermatologist about the problem with Reagan's birthmark/mole on her neck. About a week ago we noticed a bump in the center of it. Of course the doctor did not like the change in her "congenital nevi". So she took a biopsy of the center of it and then Reagan got stitches. Then the doctor also removed a mole on Reagan's arm. Reagan watched her cut it off! Reagan was so good about the whole thing, she didn't even cry. The doctor and the nurse told her about how the 12 and 13 year old boys cry and go nuts, so that made Reagan's day! We hope to get the results back soon.....
You are such a brave girl Reagan!
WOW--I think I would have screamed! Let us know when the results come in!
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